Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Fairytale curse

A peasent mere and meek.
A glass slipper on a high pillow peak
scrubbing worn dirty floors
he searched the four corners of the world
she grew lost and cold
he would find her he was told
she grew old and passed away
he knew on that one fataful day
it was his fate
true love never waits...

This poem is really old i originally sent it to a friend in an email. But i thought of it just now. Shows how organized i am... i have poems lying everywhere.


Alexandra said...

Good poem. You haven't written much since I last checked. Keep writing your poems are good. Oh, and I just updated me my blog. www.bookgirl13.blogspot.com

Anonymous said...

I REMEMBER THIS ONE. was it me you sent it to ? i can't remember but it is VERY familiar so i think you did..
anyways, just randomly commenting, but this is one of my favourites :)