Monday, October 20, 2008

This is my favourite picture!

I love dancing by the way too! Dancing is also something that is good to write about ballroom dancing (which I do), Hip hop, Lyrical and Jazz. Everything and Anything can be written about!

I thought I would post a picture for a change

I chose to post these pictures because I love the ocean!! To relate this to poetry the ocean is a very inspiring thing to write about because of the abundance of life and even the colour of it is spectacular! :) (*sigh* I love the ocean!!!!)

Friday, October 17, 2008


He was like a ghost, roaming
but not feeling, seeing but not realizing.
Feeling but not touching.
Living without breathing.
He was like a dead man.
Gone without leaving,
With a heart that's stopped beating.
He was like a body without a soul,
he was not whole.