Monday, December 29, 2008

Love is...

Love is an infinity,
built in all it's divinity.
Love is trusted bonds
that corresponds with hearts.
Love is heated flames,
that tames a wild soul.
Love is reachable,
but not easily found.


Folds and crevasses
of covers.
Folding onto a young girl's body
protecting and shielding from the outside winds.
They warm her shaken soul and provide cover,
such is their name.

A short little poem, I wrote to be cute cause who doesn't love covers! <3

Saturday, December 27, 2008

The Music Man

Red velvet lines the floor,
and the boards go from floor to ceiling.
But it's not real, she thinks.
she's on the brink, the edge of insanity.
Where red blurs with brown and the music man
calls her name. It's not longer a game.
The song goes slower but her vision and mind is faster
than her feet can carry her.
The music man is calling.
She is recalling his song.
Every note striking her strong.
She reaches a door.
Her soul is not full anymore.
The doorknob turns, and she enters
into the arms of the music man.

Sunday, December 14, 2008


She could see,
but not look.
She could gaze upon
but not criticize.
She could envision
but not imagine.
She is blind.
But she can still
visulize the unthinkable.


tears that streak a young girls face.
Dropping into the folds of an ocean of covers.
of loved ones lost and lost loved ones.
heart beating filled with an ocean of tears.
takes over her.

Lost Stars



Whispers of sweet love,
all part of one voice.
Whispers of hatred
singled out by their words.

Friday, November 14, 2008


waves wash over sands,
waves wash over far away lands.
Waves of emotion,
all the waves of the ocean.
Waves of blue
and waves of green
make colours more beautiful
than aquamarine.
Waves go in and out
but there will never be drought.
All the waves of the ocean.

Monday, October 20, 2008

This is my favourite picture!

I love dancing by the way too! Dancing is also something that is good to write about ballroom dancing (which I do), Hip hop, Lyrical and Jazz. Everything and Anything can be written about!

I thought I would post a picture for a change

I chose to post these pictures because I love the ocean!! To relate this to poetry the ocean is a very inspiring thing to write about because of the abundance of life and even the colour of it is spectacular! :) (*sigh* I love the ocean!!!!)

Friday, October 17, 2008


He was like a ghost, roaming
but not feeling, seeing but not realizing.
Feeling but not touching.
Living without breathing.
He was like a dead man.
Gone without leaving,
With a heart that's stopped beating.
He was like a body without a soul,
he was not whole.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Bombs may fall,
tears may shed
but tomorrow will be a new day again.
Water may flood
and wind's may blow
but tomorrow you never know.
I could run and skip
and fall.
But tomorrow I might be on the "ball"
Tomorrow is my favourite word cause tomorrow can never

Aren't you guys proud of me I wrote sort of happy poem for once!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Ladder, Ladder

Ladder ladder won't you take me higher?
Through the attic of the clouds and the roof of the earth.
Ladder, ladder i'm goin' climb higher.
Ladder, ladder you left out some rungs.
ladder, ladder you're letting me fall.................................
through the roof of the earth and the attic of the clouds till
I hit solid ground.
Ladder, Ladder you let me fall till i have nothing left to grasp.
Ladder,Ladder I can't see you anymore.

Friday, September 19, 2008

A cup full of sorrow

Hey you're glass looks a little empty shall
I pour you another cups of sorrows?
Hey your glass is pretty full maybe i'll
gulp down you're happiness.
Funny, how you fill my cup and then drink it.
Fill you're own cup and drink mouthfulls of your own sorrows,
a taste of your own medicine for a change?
What happens when that medicine is poison and one drink becomes
This is when you see the bottom of the glass.

Saturday, September 6, 2008


I talk to you.
I See you're tears.
I Listen to you're rants and complaints.
But do you hear me?
Do you see my false mask?
Do you hear my subtle hints,
hints that i am on the edge of insanity.
You touch my arm.
but do you feel my cold blood?
That pulses through my veins of ice.
Ice that only thickens with time.
Until i am infintitly solid with hate.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Playing Around

It's like he was falling,
and somewhere in
the middle they met
and she was coming,

*This isn't really a poem I just like fooling around with the words and shapes.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Bullet Hole

Is this invisible?
My red heart.
Is this invisible to you?
Something broken in two?
The pieces at your feet.
It's your choice now,
for how could someone pick up the pieces of
their heart without having the heart to do it?
Two pieces that were once a whole.
I am now nothing but a dead soul.
But could I be your dead soul?
It's your choice now,
pick up my pieces or
leave me with this gaping bullet hole.

"But where's the key?"

Anxiety built upon society.
In an never ending torrent.
"...will you?"
"...have you?"
"...can you?"
Anxiety banished by a sercret society.
With locked up gates.
"...I will."
"...I have."
"...I can."
but can you find the key?
This anxiety built upon society.
With little or no sobriety.
Banished by a secret society.
But where's the key?

Thursday, July 17, 2008

My Butterfly's

butterfly's in the sand.
purple on blue on gold.
It's my butterfly's on golden sand.
The sun beats down and the waves still
crash but do the butterfly's fly?
There my butterfly's on sand.
The rain pours down and the
butterfly's flutter.
Do butterfly's only flutter in the rain
or do they ever hope for sunshiny days.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

When the time runs still...

So it's like i'm waiting for a prochecy to fufill.
So it's like i'm waiting for it too stop raining and for the
sun to come shining through.
It's like i'm waiting for you to relize what you've got,
before the time runs out.
Cause when the clock starts ticking time.
It'll will fly by and still only
when you have the chance to look again you'll miss what you had before.
So take the time to glance and think and wonder what you'll have when that time runs still.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

It's one path...

It's one path with a million different roads.
You could run and I could walk slow.
But it's one path with a million different roads.
Were all going towards the end but you might have skipped and
I might have slipped and lost you in the distance.
It's one path with a million different roads, i could walk to the left
and you to the right but no matter which way I turn I lose you in sight.
So i'll run just to catch your hand and with you we could walk the path with a million
different roads as one.

It's like were waiting...

It's like were waiting for the same train.
But i'm in New York and your in Spain.
Your are six hours in lead but those six
hours could be six years to me.
So it's like were waiting for the same train.
But I know your's is coming first.
I could probably catch up but it might take me those
six years to find you again. Cause you always had the lead.
And now your gone and I still wait cause those six hours,
are now six years and i'm lost within my tears.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Holding Hands

Holding hands on a patience sidewalk where the time we take takes not toll.

But where your eyes take my soul.
Loving you has never taken my good time away.
But made it more than it was once before.

Here's a short little poem that would be good in a hallmark card!:P

Unstable, unattainable love

Unstable and unattainable love.
The floor seems to shake and my heart seems to quake when
you enter the room.
But love seems to brake and my heart seems to shake when I think of losing your touch.
Take me once under your wing, but a wing that won't break when it touches tears.
Tears that come from eyes that cry, tears that speak only truth.
These tears that only reach for love but love that it can never reach.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Broken Hearted Dolls

broken hearted dolls,
with sad blue eyes.
No matter how they try the can't grow in size,
so someone once would notice them.
Sitting in the dust.
There the only proof of living trust.
broken hearted dolls.
Cry sounds in the night but only tears roll.
Broken hearted dolls
need someone to love.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Carry me Away

I'm going to let you hear my plea just one last time,
come and be mine.
My saviour, my breath,
my carriage.
Come and Carry me Away
please take me today.
Come and Carry me Away.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Carry me Away

To feel your arms warm my soul
for you to console.
I need you to carry me away
to a place far far away.
With your soft words
and hushed voice.
Come and carry me away.

Bring me to another world
one that's safe from storm.
Somewhere where it's warm.
Pick me up and carry me away.

Monday, April 28, 2008

I hold the brass handle feeling quite like a vandal.
Here it comes again...
shivering, shaking, quivering
Feels like sea on the hard wooden ground and my legs seem to agree.
I hear my name called from the elderly woman "Marie."

More later...This time i mean it...had to go eat.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Carry me Away

Pick me up and carry me away.
to where the sun shines brighter and childern play.
to where it feels safe and warm cause i'm so tried of this storm.
So tried of this dark and drerry day.
Come and Carry me away.

Now, i'm not sure if i have heard this before self-concisouly cause it came to me pretty easy! If you relize you have seen this before let me know if you haven't comment anyways!

Sunday, April 20, 2008


dancing in the wind, twisting, turning, weaving.
breathing in the wind, feeling,crying,singing.
Running with the wind, chasing,sprinting,jumping.
Winds all gone, blown all out.
Retreated to it's home.
Guess all have to find the wind,
and wait for it's kiss.

Waiting for Sun

Waiting for the sun to come and take me in it's fiery breath.
Feel the warmth against my skin cause it's so lonely now your gone.
Feels like dark and cold sets in....
waiting for the sun to come.
Bring me home to warm and bright.
Away from this horrible night.
I want to feel your fiery breath come to take me home.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Thought a little inspiration would help, this pic. is from the notebook! The absolute best love story along with August Rush and Across the Universe.... god i'm desperate for a story line... :)

*CONTEST* modification

this is a slight different version of the contest... for the lazier people out there! :) You can give me an idea for a story line but do expect it will be modified. This will also give you a chance to enter! So if you don't like to write but got lot's of idea shout them out!

Sunday, April 6, 2008



Poemer is having a contest! Not for poems but you guessed it stories!
But not any kinda story "love stories" But no R rated content please...
here are the rules...

1. Has to be a love story
2. It can be as long as you want
3. No R rated content (you know what i mean)
4. Have Fun! (wow that was cheesy)


Shattered glass lay on the floor,
quite like a life metaphor.
Broken pieces caught the light
and gleamed on the dirty floor.
But nobody pays attention anymore.
Most times somebody cuts a finger.
some people stay and linger.
Once long ago somebody tripped and it shattered.
But not that it really mattered because nobody cares anymore.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Fairytale curse

A peasent mere and meek.
A glass slipper on a high pillow peak
scrubbing worn dirty floors
he searched the four corners of the world
she grew lost and cold
he would find her he was told
she grew old and passed away
he knew on that one fataful day
it was his fate
true love never waits...

This poem is really old i originally sent it to a friend in an email. But i thought of it just now. Shows how organized i am... i have poems lying everywhere.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Paper Kiss

I blow a dainty paper kiss coloured in red pen.
but then he says what about a real kiss for my lips.
i have no lips for him to kiss.
i denie they even exist.
what about my paper kiss isn't it enough to love.
i'm sick of paper kiss.
what about a real kiss.
i just dimiss this because all he is going to get is a paper kiss.

Sunday, January 20, 2008


childhood indulgences, of pasthood.
alot of things misunderstood.
you put that doll away for good.
the teddy bear with the missing eye.
you said you're final goodbye's.
but some friends didn't reach the box.
the one's you couldn't bear to leave.

more later.............


Saturday, January 12, 2008


the breeze that takes your breath away.
the smell of the dirty ashtray.
The need.
for speed.
the blinding lights,
probably had a few to many drinks that night.
the threating impact.
the world suddenly went abstract.
the smoke went up, all gray in colour.
the weight got heavier by the hour.
i couldn't move and couldn't see.
no one heard my plea.
so the light shone down and called my name.
it took my soul with it's flame.
that was when the light died out.
and i was gone.

Monday, January 7, 2008

best friend

crowded lunch rooms.
empty souls.
filled up lunch trays
and diets take there tolls.
sit by yourself or join the crowd.
call your best friend because you vowed.
lost a few friends in the rush.
But best friends stick together through all the crap and mush.
distance dosen't matter.
we'll always stick together.
promise me you'll keep true
and follow through.
Because i can't lose a best friend like you.


i'm sorry to all of you but is the person that left me a comment Emily or Ashley?

Tuesday, January 1, 2008


What have i got to prove to you?
life plans and snobby little kids.
street corners and garbage bins.
It doesn't always work like that.
alley cats or what's this valued at?
I have got nothing to prove,
apparently my bubble is to thick.
delirious to your little card trick.
You've got something to prove to me,
your not so guaranteed.
Life doesn't always work like that.
no life plans or university's.
see what's in front of you.
no space ships to the future.
Trudge on through.
i burst your bubble after mine.
follow the signs.
it's going to be hard, even i can see that.
close to a combat.
but stop with your life plans and universities.
Snobby kids and schedules.
realise what your missing.
Stop wishing.
we'll get there eventually.